Will Hunting Mbti. MBTI of Will Herondale. Maybe his narcissistic-sadistic side and confrontational ante-up attitute is more of a ENTP kind.
Good Will Hunting MBTI. ENTJ and ENTP Leader and Debate are the profiles with the most anthogonists in shonen animes 3 out of 5 in each. Hunter x Hunter MBTI types - Hunter x Hunter Myers-Briggs Typings Wanted to share my Hunter x Hunter MBTI Post here in a official post so here we go.
The Coonhound is a trusty and adaptable breed.
3 Which MBTI type is the laziest. At times early on he does seem more like either an INTP or ENTP overall I believe hes an INTJ. There are a few notable exceptions like Dario Nardi. Which is why you let your MBTI personality dictate it for you.